We get it. You’re a savvy Houston real estate agent and you know what websites to visit to find information for your clients. Even THEY might know what sites to visit. So why should Houston Realtors or their clients use mapfax?
Aside from the ease and convenience of having all of the data housed in one convenient place, mapfax offers several benefits to our members. Let’s explore all of these benefits in detail to truly understand the power of mapfax.
mapfax Saves You Time
Think about this: Your client is looking to buy a home in the Houston area. They are hoping to live in an area that isn’t in a flood zone, isn’t near a landfill, and is in a neighborhood that is devoid of sex offenders. Rather than having to go to each one of these websites and look for neighborhoods that fit this criteria, simply plug an address into mapfax, turn on the data layers you want to see and you’ll get a clear and complete picture of the home your clients are looking at.

Instantly save precious hours by using mapfax to aid your Houston real estate clients in their home search.
mapfax Enhances Houston Real Estate CMA’s
CMA’s are all the same. You pull data from the MLS and send it to your client to show them the home is priced correctly based on comps. Some agents incorporate Loom to make their email CMA’s a bit more engaging, but other than that, has there ever really been a tool that makes a CMA more interesting to the client?
mapfax is that tool. Rather than showing your clients information they could easily discover on Zillow, your CMA’s can be more transparent by showing clients the whole picture of the home they are trying to buy. A house can look ideal on Zillow or Realtor.com, but once you see the neighborhood, it can be a very different story. The lack of zoning in Houston almost guarantees some neighborhoods will be adjacent to industrial parks, wastewater treatment plants and other unsavory elements. By showing your clients a true and complete representation of a home, you are building trust with them by being transparent.
mapfax Helps Houston Real Estate Agents Earn Their Commission
With changes forthcoming in the wake of the NAR settlement, representing buyers is becoming more confusing for both agents and the client. While it may not have been fair that sellers were essentially forced to pay a commission to a buyer’s agent, it now becomes incumbent upon the buyer’s agent to earn the commission they seek.
We at mapfax get it. It’s a ton of work to take clients all over town to show them homes, run comps on multiple properties, review contracts, negotiate with a seller’s agent, supervise inspections and myriad other tasks. But sometimes that all gets lost in translation.
mapfax enables you to provide upfront value to your Houston real estate clients by giving them access to the platform. From there, your clients can streamline their home search by finding houses that are in the areas they want to live in and giving them information about properties they may not be able to find elsewhere. Imagine a client that is thinking about buying a home, but then suddenly learns they are going to live in a hurricane prone area. Their gratitude for your willingness to go the extra mile will be profound, and will go a long way toward your commission.
In short, mapfax helps you provide transparent information in a user-friendly way to your clients. This will enable them to build trust with you as an agent and gives you a powerful way to demonstrate value in the transaction process.